our training and expertise
With more than 35 years of experience, we’ve seen our fair share of lawns. But it’s how we see them that makes us the leader among Canadian lawn care service companies.
the science behind our success
our agronomists
Lawn care threats and solutions differ based on a number of variables, like climate, region and season. That’s why our team of agronomic experts stays attuned to the conditions in your region and design services for your area based on local lawn threats and needs. They also instruct our specialists in the TruGreen TruExpert Certification Program and provide a thorough understanding of advanced lawn care techniques, products and equipment. This ensures that every TruGreen service is performed the right way, with the right equipment at the right time.
our specialists
Your lawn has specific needs that can only be met with a scientifically tailored approach. That’s why our lawn care specialists are TruGreen PhD-certified through our TruExpert Certification Program. This training is rigorous and requires annual recertification, but it ensures that our specialists develop and maintain the expertise to deliver superior lawn and landscape results. After graduation and certification, your TruGreen specialist is prepared to evaluate your lawn using our Healthy Lawn Analysis® and tailor our science-based solutions to meet your lawn’s unique needs throughout every season of the year.

Kirk Hurto, PhD
Kirk Hurto, PhD, is vice president of technical services at TruGreen. As our chief science officer, he reviews and approves our products, work practices and the technical training of our specialists to ensure regulatory compliance and environmental stewardship.
Kirk Hurto joined TruGreen in 1981 as a research scientist, and his work in weed control products and strategies has led to the development of the leading products used in lawn and landscape management. He is a co-patent holder for a unique granular delivery device and has developed precision application systems for targeted lawn applications.
A member of several professional lawn and landscape societies and associations, Hurto was recognized as one of the Top 10 Leaders in the lawn and landscape industry for 2004. He currently represents TruGreen as a member of the US EPA’s Pesticide Environmental Stewardship program (PESP). Kirk Hurto has a doctorate in Horticulture from the University of Illinois, and a BS and MS in Plant & Soil Sciences from Southern Illinois University.
John Kauffman, PhD
John Kauffman, PhD, holds the position of research scientist at TruGreen. He seeks out innovative solutions to maximize TruGreen’s agronomic programs and provides research and support to our network of regional technical managers.
John Kauffman has been with TruGreen since 2010 and his cooperative research has kept TruGreen at the forefront of emerging weed control and turfgrass nutrition technologies. John was also involved in the creation and implementation of TruGreen’s innovative agronomic training programs.
Roger May, PhD
Roger May, PhD, is the Michigan Region Technical Manager for TruGreen. He is responsible for overseeing operations in 16 branches across Michigan and developing horticulture and agronomic programs for the state. He also tests innovative new products and trains TruGreen employees in advanced lawn care practices and agronomic science at our TruExpert Certification Program.
May has served on the board of directors for both the Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association and the Capitol Area Landscape and Nursery Association. Prior to joining TruGreen, he managed The Cottage Gardens, mid-Michigan’s largest wholesale landscape nursery.
Roger is a Michigan Certified Nurseryman and speaks at local home shows and Michigan trade association meetings. He has a doctorate in Horticulture from Michigan State University in East Lansing, an MS in Ornamental Horticulture from the University of Tennessee, and a BS in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design from Cal Poly.
Ben Hamza, PhD
Ben Hamza, PhD, is director of technical operations at TruGreen. He develops innovative and responsible agronomic/horticultural programs through collaborations across the United States and Canada. Hamza also manages product and fleet assets, as well as federal and state regulatory and safety compliance.
Ben Hamza has been with TruGreen since February 1996 and has held several positions, including specialist in Tampa East, field manager, and research scientist and project leader at the TruGreen Technical Center. He also served as regional technical manager for the Michigan region.
A member of several professional lawn and landscape societies and associations, Hamza has served on the Landscape Management’s Reader Advisory Panel, as well as on the board of directors of the Michigan Green Industry Association. Hamza has been an invited speaker at several well-known turf conferences (Purdue University, Michigan State University, Ohio State University). He has a doctorate in crop and soil sciences from Michigan State University, with an emphasis on plant nutrition and stress physiology.