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tips from TruGreen experts

Seasonal tips to help you get the most from your landscape year-round.





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  • Aeration

    Core aeration performed from August through October is an excellent means of improving your lawn’s long term health.

  • Grass height

    Maintain the healthiest height for your lawn 2 ½ to 3".

  • Lawn clippings

    Grass-cycle! That means that you leave grass clippings on your lawn after mowing and allow the clippings to decay naturally. This process returns significant amounts of nutrients that your lawn will use to grow.

  • Mowing

    Mow during the cooler part of the day. Early morning or early evening is best.

  • Mowing when wet

    Avoid cutting wet grass. The clippings will clump together and smother your lawn.

  • Overseeding

    It is not too early to over-seed your lawn to thicken and revive turf. Seed must contact soil and remain moist until it is fully established to have the most chance of success.

  • Pruning

    Prune landscaping plants to improve their health and beauty. Focus on removing dead branches and any that rub together. Reshape your plant as needed to fit the environment or thin crowns to improve air circulation and reduce disease.

  • Shrub pruning

    Flowering shrubs should be pruned soon after flowers have finished to avoid effecting next year’s flowering.

  • Spot watering

    Consider ‘spot watering’ to the areas of your lawn that are most prone to drought.

  • Tree trimming

    Many types of evergreens (juniper, cedar, spruce) have produced their spring flush of growth and trimming them now can help keep their shape.

  • Warning signs

    Be on the look out for random patches or wilted/browned turf which may be signs of drought stress, disease or insects.

  • Watering frequency

    Water deeply once or twice a week instead of watering lightly and frequently. (Please follow local water restrictions.)

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