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  • When and how should I water my lawn?

    Watering your lawn is also important to maintaining its optimal health. Deep watering once or twice per week is better than brief daily watering. Providing 1 inch of water per week is a good rule of thumb. You can use a tin or cup to determine how long it takes your sprinkler to apply 1 inch of water.

  • When and how often should I mow my lawn?

    Mowing height and mowing frequency are critical for healthy turf. Mow your lawn at a height of 2 ½ to 3 inches and never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade. If your lawn is long, this may mean mowing several times within a few days to gradually bring the height down to 3 inches. In peak growing seasons, this may mean mowing 2 or 3 times per week.

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