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tips from TruGreen experts

Seasonal tips to help you get the most from your landscape year-round.





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  • Fertilization

    Spring fertilizer for your trees and shrubs is needed to stimulate growth and recover from winter stresses.

  • Frost

    To avoid damage to your lawn, stay off your lawn while frost is present.

  • Grass height

    Mowing height and frequency are very important. Mow at a height of 2 ½ to 3 inches and never remove more than one third of the grass blade.

  • Irrigation

    Make sure your irrigation system is set to maximize efficiency and minimize waste.

  • Mower preparation

    Check your mower blade and sharpen before mowing.

  • Mowing

    Do not remove more than one third of the leaf blade when mowing. Removing too much of the grass blade can thin your lawn and lead to weed invasion.

  • Mulching

    Apply a 1"-3" layer of mulch to landscape beds. Deeper mulch can cause roots to grow into the mulch and make plants vulnerable to drought and extreme temperatures.

  • Seeding

    April and May are great months to seed bare areas of your lawn to help prevent crabgrass and weed invasion.

  • Spring cleanup

    Clean up litter, leaves and twigs that have collected as they may suffocate your lawn.

  • Spring oiling

    While dormant, trees and woody ornamentals benefit from an application of horticultural oils. These have been used for decades to eliminate mites, aphids, and scale insects before they damage new growth on landscape in the spring.

  • Spring raking

    Loosen matted lawn areas with a leaf rake to break up snow mould and improve air circulation.

  • Winter protection

    Remove winter protection (such as burlap and snow protection) when risk of harsh winter conditions has passed. This allows plants to gradually emerge from dormancy. Some plants may need to be covered at night when spring-like weather is followed by a late frost.

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